
A major Man Utd move threatens to reverse the progress made by Ten Hag and divide the locker room

The decision-maker has been identified, and the locker room is already divided over the prospect of bringing Mason Greenwood back into the fold at Man Utd.

Manchester United releases statement after Mason Greenwood has all charges  dropped | The Sun

The 21-year-old has not featured for club or country since January of 2022. Greenwood was arrested just over one year ago and was subsequently suspended indefinitely by Man Utd.

However, on February 2 of this year, the Crown Prosecution Service dropped all charges levied against Greenwood back in October.

Explaining the decision, the CPS cited “the withdrawal of key witnesses” and the emergence of “new material.”

Responding to the decision to drop the charges, Greenwood said: “I am relieved this matter is now over. I would like to thank my family, loved ones and friends for their support.”

United later released a statement of their own that revealed they’d conduct an internal investigation before determining their next course of action.

The club’s official statement read: “Man Utd notes the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service that all charges against Mason Greenwood have been dropped.

Man Utd news: Sponsors 'concerned' over potential Greenwood return after  Nike cut ties | Football | Sport |

“The club will now conduct its own process before determining next steps. We will not make any further comment until that process is complete.”

The question of whether Greenwood could be brought back into the fold at Old Trafford has lingered throughout the month. Now, a report from the Times has shed light on the situation.

The publication claim ‘some members’ of United’s women’s team have ‘serious concerns’ over the idea of Greenwood returning to training.

The women’s team share the Carrington facilities with the men’s team and it’s claimed they ‘do not expect’ Greenwood to be recalled.

Some members within the men’s team also ‘harbour concerns’ about reintegrating Greenwood, though that’s not a viewpoint shared by everyone in the dressing room. Others, it’s claimed, ‘would have no objection’.

Manchester United players are "deeply uncomfortable" at the prospect of  Mason Greenwood returning. - UK Daily News

The Times add non-playing female staff members around the club ‘would object’ to Greenwood’s return. Elsewhere, it’s understood concerns have been raised by some of the club’s commercial partners.

While echoing many of the Times’ sentiments, the Mirror added the decision on whether to bring Greenwood back into the mix will not be made by Erik ten Hag and his coaching staff.

Instead, they claim Greenwood has been informed the call ‘would be taken by the club and not the management team.’



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