
Mason Greenwood ‘secretly meets up’ with Man United teammates as future remains unclear

To’rekindle connections’ inside the team, Mason Greenwood has’secretly met up’ with a few of his Manchester United colleagues.

Manchester United v BSC Young Boys: Group F - UEFA Champions League

The United dressing room is said to be split over Greenwood’s future (Picture: Getty)

Manchester United striker Mason Greenwood has reportedly held secret meetings with some of his Red Devils team-mates after rape allegations against him were dropped. The 21-year-old hasn’t played for United since last January and his future at the club is currently unclear.

Greenwood has been unable to play for United or train with the squad despite his case being dropped as the 13-time Premier League champions are currently undertaking an internal investigation into his actions.

But, according to The Scottish Sun, the England international is keen to rekindle his relationships with his team-mates in a bid to resurrect his career at Old Trafford. “He’s reached out to some of the United players – some of them he’s known since his academy days,” a source told the publication. “They’ve met up with him in private to hear him out so they can make their own mind up.”

And a different source added: “There is a level of sympathy for someone who is innocent in the eyes of the law and a long-standing team-mate. But the players are absolutely focused on keeping this juggernaut on the road.”


Mason Greenwood

Man Utd striker Mason Greenwood has reportedly held secret meetings with some of his team-mates

Express Sport have approached Manchester United for comment.

Greenwood has also reached out to other United players on social media, with some of those being married with children. And he has already spoken to Red Devils manager Erik ten Hag for the first time after the Dutchman rang him.

United have not specified how long their investigation will take. And the player could face resistance from some members of the Red Devils women’s team as they share the Carrington training facilities with the men’s team and are reported to be concerned about his return.

Mason Greenwood

Mason Greenwood hasn’t played for Manchester United since last January

After the charges against Greenwood were dropped, a CPS spokesperson said: “We have a duty to keep cases under continuous review. In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction.”

Meanwhile, Greenwood released a statement, which read: “I am relieved that this matter is now over and I would like to thank my family, loved ones and friends for their support. There will be no further comment at this time.”

And United said: “Manchester United notes the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service that all charges against Mason Greenwood have been dropped. The club will now conduct its own process before determining next steps. We will not make any further comment until that process is complete.”



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