
‘Back to our glory days’: Response from Man Utd supporters to Qatar’s acquisition offer

Prince Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani, a Qatari financier, has launched a tentative takeover offer for Man Utd.

A Qatari banker has submitted a bid for Manchester United

A Qatari banker has submitted a bid for Man Utd

Large swathes of online Man Utd fans are delighted with the news that Qatari banker Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani has made a takeover bid for their club – but not all supporters are on board.

Al Thani confirmed in a statement on Friday evening that he had submitted an offer to take over 100 per cent ownership of the club. The statement added: “The bid plans to return the Club to its former glories both on and off the pitch, and — above all — will seek to place the fans at the heart of Man Utd Football Club once more.

Manchester United takeover: Qatari Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani makes  'substantial' bid for club | Football News | Sky Sports

“The bid will be completely debt free via Sheikh Jassim’s Nine Two Foundation, which will look to invest in the football teams, the training centre, the stadium and wider infrastructure, the fan experience and the communities the Club supports.

“The vision of the bid is for Man Utd Football Club to be renowned for footballing excellence, and regarded as the greatest football club in the world. More details of the bid will be released, when appropriate, if and when the bid process develops.”

MEN Sport understands that current bids are only indicative and the next stage will see potential purchasers able to view the relevant financial information. Activist groups have called on Uefa to halt any takeover from Qatari investors over human rights concerns in the country.

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The majority of fans on Twitter indicated they were delighted with the news.

@huskiessera: Qataris I love you


@_PrinceNN: We might be brought back to our glory days

@aIoyyyyy: I cannot lie we’re going to dominate world football for the next 10+ years

@BamBam_1745: It’s getting serious

However, others are less convinced and raised worries about a potential ownership from Qatar.

@BigmEatie: I 100% hate this if it comes off, and to feel that we as a fanbase can do absolutely nothing about it, pains me.

@JeernandezHesse: I don’t know about this

@awwalghani: I don’t even know how am feeling now

@CJBonifer: I’m going, to be honest. I don’t want my club owned by a state, moreover, a state that has consistently violated basic human rights and suppressed any and all dissent.



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