
Marcus Rashford speaks with Man United icon Rio Ferdinand about how his new celebratory style came about

Marcus Rashford’s new celebration has been on show numerous times at Old Trafford this season with supporters remaining in the dark over what exactly triggered it but its beginnings have now been revealed by Rio Ferdinand

Manchester United: Marcus Rashford finally explains his goal celebration to Rio Ferdinand | Football | Metro News

Man Utd icon Rio Ferdinand has finally revealed the origins of Marcus Rashford ’s new goal celebration.

The Red Devils’ forward is currently in the midst of a hugely impressive season with a brace against Leicester taking his total to 24 goals in all competitions. That haul has seen Rashford use his celebration on a number of occasions – the striker pointing to his head after finding the net.

So far, the reason behind the celebration has left supporters somewhat baffled. Speaking on his Vibe with Five YouTube podcast, Ferdinand has revealed he has now got to the bottom of things.

In visiting the Red Devils’ Carrington Training Ground, he had a private chat with Rashford with the striker’s celebration among the hot topics. “Rashford, I found out today by the way, I went to Carrington today to interview Bruno [Fernandes], it was good,” Ferdinand said.

“I saw [long-serving receptionist] Kath [Phipps], been there 56 years the lady! Ridiculous! But the celebration, it’s mentality. Nice, innit. Simple. But it’s just travelled massively. Everyone round the world is doing it now. All the young kids scoring goals, that’s the impact Rashford has had.

Rio Ferdinand was back at Manchester United to interview midfielder Bruno Fernandes

Rio Ferdinand was back at Man Utd to interview midfielder Bruno Fernandes

Ferdinand was delighted to see a staff member, Kath, who has worked at the club for 56 years

Ferdinand was delighted to see a staff member, Kath, who has worked at the club for 56 years

“Seeing Marcus just smiling – I’ve said this so many times – just seeing him smile, there’s a different vibe about him.

“He’s enjoying himself, there’s a spring in his step. I had a nice chat, it was nice. Nice vibes in the place.”

Rashford has regularly spoken out on his mental health having admitted that he had suffered over recent seasons. The 25-year-old has revealed that he is in a much better headspace now – a huge reason behind what has been the most prolific season of his career so far.

Speaking last year, he said: “To be honest, there is a completely different energy around the whole club, the training ground and that puts me in a better head space — I feel really motivated now.

Marcus Rashford

Marcus Rashford has 24 goals to his name so far this season

“I struggled at times last season — more mental things, not my own performance. It was other things off the pitch. Too often last season I wasn’t in the right head space.”

Man Utd supporters will be hoping to see Rashford’s celebration regularly during the upcoming week in what could be a pivotal couple of fixtures for Erik ten Hag’s men. The Red Devils first take on Barcelona in the second leg of their Europa League playoff at Old Trafford.

Rashford shone during the first leg at the Camp Nou after equalising for United with a lethal finish before he then forced Jules Kounde into an own goal. Following the showdown with the Catalan giants, the Red Devils then have the Carabao Cup final against Newcastle to look forward to with Ten Hag aiming to secure silverware during his first campaign at Old Trafford.




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