
Luke Shaw thanks Raphael Varane for his Man Utd advice

Man Utd kept another clean sheet in the Premier League on Saturday, defeating Wolves 1-0.

Luke Shaw enjoyed his role at centre-back (Image: BTSport)

Luke Shaw has thanked Raphael Varane for all his advice in helping him adapt to his new role as a centre-back for Man Utd .

United kept their third consecutive clean sheet in the victory over Wolves on Saturday, with Shaw keeping his auxiliary role for the match, having also played there against Nottingham Forest.

Although both Harry Maguire and Victor Lindelof were fit enough to be named on the bench, Erik ten Hag chose to play the English full-back in a central role.

Varane and Shaw played big: “Elegant and solid”

Shaw impressed once again with his performance, and after the match he thanked defensive partner Varane for his help in adapting to the positional switch.

“I am really enjoying it,” he told BT Sport. “I said to the manager ‘I’ll play wherever you want me to’, and it always helps with someone like Varane next to you.

“He spoke to me a lot, not just in the game, but before, and I really enjoyed it. But the most important thing for me today was obviously winning and keeping another clean sheet.”

Ngó lơ Maguire, Ten Hag để Luke Shaw đá trung vệ

Speaking after the game, Ten Hag explained why he stuck with Shaw in his new role ahead of more recognised central options.

He said: “(Being left-footed) that is one of the reasons. You get better angles in possession, but in this game it was also important, they have speed on the right wing and with Luke Shaw, he can defend that, he can cover that.”


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